How do I purchase new weapons?

Click the Weapons button from the main Gun Range menu to start shopping for new weapons.

Next, select the type of weapon you want to buy. You can choose between Sniper Rifles, Assault Rifles, Shotguns, and Saw Guns.

Tap on a weapon's name to examine its specifications, and then press one of the Buy buttons.

You can only take two weapons with you into a mission. These two weapons can be of any type. Within a mission, tap on the weapon icon near the top of the screen to swap weapons.

The available stock in the Weapon Shop can change from time to time.
Sometimes we add weapons for a limited time, and sometimes we remove old weapons. Special Event weapons only appear during the associated event, so they will disappear from the store if you don’t acquire them in time.

How do I upgrade my weapons?

From the main Gun Range screen, tap the Upgrade button in the bottom-left corner to start upgrading your weapon. Tap the Swap icon in the top-right corner of the screen to cycle between the two weapons you currently have equipped.

In the Upgrades screen, select the component you wish to upgrade. Tap on a component to see which stats will improve when you upgrade it.

When you’ve chosen the component you wish to upgrade, press the Upgrade button to upgrade it to the next level.

What Are Weapon / Bullet Skins?

Weapon / Bullet Skins allow you to change the visible appearance of your Weapons / Bullets. Skins can be purchased from the Weapon Store. 

Note: Weapon / Bullet Skins are purely for cosmetic purposes, they offer no additional gameplay advantages at this time.