How do I unlock Crates?
My game keeps crashing!
Is there a way to enable Left Hand Controls?
How do I upgrade Units?
Can I switch my Base Gun?
How do I restore my progress?
Riot Squaddies
Brick Wall
Flame Turret
When is the next update coming?
How do I increase Division ranks?
How do I change the Units in my Squad?
How do I obtain Coins during a Battle?
What is the Daily Battle League Event?
I didn't get my Gold!
How do I find/search for a clan?
Clan Basics
I’m trying to Watch a video for Free Bucks, but it says no videos are available!
I’m missing Gold from an offer! [TapJoy]
What are Bucks?
What is Gold?
How do I disable Push Notifications on iOS?
I got an Error Message!
How do I disable Push Notifications on Android devices?
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